Friday, November 8, 2013



Happy Friday Blessings!

I was going to write about my tattoo last night. But instead I went over to my bestie’s house. She’s a SAHM of 3 kids and her husband made plans for the evening. I know what it’s like to take care of household stuff AND a kid when injured but I can’t imagine doing that with 3 kids: 2 of school age and 1 in diapers. 

(my at-the-time 2 yr old thought it was funny to see mama puking in the toilet. Do you know how hard it is to barf while laughing at your 2 yr old laughing at you?!?!)

I love my friends.

I’m very independent. I do everything I can on my own. I don’t rely on anyone because I’ve learned that if I rely on people they want something in return. Or I get hurt. And that’s wrong. I use to never let anyone help me. I had this brick wall built around me … with a door of course! And I didn’t let anyone in unless I asked. Earlier this year I started ‘deconstructing’ that wall because I admitted to myself that I’m ok on my own. And it’s ok to accept people’s help. I’m happy being single!

But I am not superwoman. No matter how hard I try. I think my cape was stolen.

So as predicted, I got hurt. But I realized that’s ok. Because I would do anything for my friends, even if it meant they would not do the same for me. It’s who I am. And I refuse to change who I am because they don’t have the same core values as me. It’s what makes us grow as people. Grow as friends. I learned that no matter who thinks of me as a friend or not, I’ll always be there and help when I can for all of my friends. And I don’t expect anything in return. It’s who I am. And it’s ok that others in my life don’t think that way.

Once in a while tho, during tough situations we learn who our ‘besties’ are. 

(Penny & Amy prove the meaning of besties!)

It’s those friends that don’t judge. That accept you for who you are. That love you for your past, accept you for your choices and want to be there for your future. They give without wanting and accept when needed. They laugh with you and tell you if you’re being an absurd bitch.

I’ve  learned that these friends are hard to keep. Hard to hold on to but only because I didn’t appreciate our differences before. But it’s ok now. It took me 38 years to learn how to be a good friend and I hope that I can be in all of my friends life now and forever. And I hope they can be in mine. Because it’s this single crazy life I live that I realize how important friends are.

My life is filled with awesome friends with whom I can laugh with and hang out with. But I’m also blessed with very few ‘besties’.

And that’s the best part of life.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Ready ..... Set ..... GO!

Hello peeps! I've always wanted to do this  .... write about my life and all the boys, bad dates & breakups. I'm hoping I can connect with all of you on some level and bring some humor into your life as it has mine! I'd also like to share some cool tips and what-not-to-do's along the journey so I hope you'll stick with me.

Of course to start I'll share how this became what it is now. TIMELINE:

Grew up in SD .... pretty much the middle of nowhere. At the time there were 500 people in town. Surrounded by hills, sheep and wheat fields. Throw in some cows and horses and LOTS of fence lines and open sky and poof:

My monster & 'baby' girl up at my parents farm/cabin

Sunset up at the farm in SD

Sunset at the farm in SD

• College: yup. Graduated in '97

• Married: yup.

• Moved to a big town in Wisconsin surrounded by 12K people, LOTS of trees and lots of dairy cows!

• My son (monster) was born in 2003 when my marriage was in between crap and more crap. So yeah, he was conceived in love. I might divulge more det's on my marriage during certain points but lets just leave it at that.

• Divorced in '05 after 9 yrs of some ups but mostly down's.

Thus the story begins..........